
Embrays Designs - Synplant 2 - 65 Presets - Essential Plants Vol 1

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Embrays Designs - Synplant 2 - 65 Presets - Essential Plants Vol 1

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Embrays Designs - Sonic Charge Synplant 2 - Essential Plants Vol 1

Collection of 65 Presets for Sonic Charge Synplant 2

Presets include ReCreated Real World Instruments, Rounded to Aggressive Basses, Soaring Leads, Famous Plucks, Beautiful Calming Pads, Unique FXs, Legendary Synths and many Bonus Presets with ModWheel Variations.

Presets for INSTRUMENTS (8 Presets), BASS (8 Presets), LEADS (8 Presets), PLUCKS (8 Presets), FX (8 Presets), PADS (8 Presets) and SYNTHS (8 Presets) with 9 BONUS Presets and further 9 Presets with different ModWheel Variations.

Do Check out the Presets Demo Video here - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7kdkt461XPM

Presets are Tuned to C, ModWheel Assigned for all Presets, Play with the ModWheel OR Draw Automate it for Subtle to Extreme Variations depending on the Preset Settings.

I’ve taken complete use of Genopatch to process my Favourite Sounds and One-Shots to Easy Breezy Jump to the Recreated Sound / Synth inside Synplant (DAMN Impressive how Synplant actually does that, Kudos to Magnus, Amazing Mind Blowing Tech),
I’ve then used my 15+ Years of Sound Design Experience and my Trusted Ears for that important Decision Making to further Polish the Sounds to the Best Cleanest Authentic Presets i could Design inside Synplant.

In The Next Stage I used the Seed Growth and Mod Wheel Assignments to further Modulate the Presets for it to be even more Lively, Dynamic and Varied.

Any Questions about this Pack or next Pack or just about anything in General to Discuss, Feel Free to Contact me here - 


Have Fun

B Ray (Embrays)

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